Sell Mobile Phone

We live in a world where technology is always updating. It's updating faster than we update our electronic devices. We live a throw away society. You get a new computer, out with the old. You get a new plasma TV, out with the old. Cell phones are no exception. People upgrade every day from flip to smart phones and purchase new ones because their contract is up. The question is what do you do with a perfectly good one that you aren't going to use anymore?

sell mobile phone

There are a few options to consider. One option is the "sell mobile phone for cash" option. There are many companies out there willing to pay for old models. The sell mobile phone for cash option is very easy to do. In most cases the company you are selling your phone to will send you a pre-addressed, prepaid envelope. You simply drop it in the envelope and mail it off. In a few days or weeks, depending on the company, your check will arrive from the company paying you for your phone. Most companies don't require perfect phones, some even buy broken cell phones. The second option is the "recycle mobile phone" option. Mobile phone recycling is becoming very popular. Not every cell phone is in demand to be purchased used. You can still donate your phone to be recycled so it's not lying around a junk drawer or filling up a landfill. The company you decide to use will send you a prepaid, pre-addressed envelope to them and you simply mail the phone. Companies usually do one of two things with them. They may use them for parts to refurbish or may use them to donate to a charitable organization.

Many recycled cell phones end up as phones for emergency use by battered women, people with life threatening illnesses or the elderly. The phones are programmed to call emergency phone numbers only, for people that need the emergency services a cell phone provides but may not be able to afford an actual cell phone plan or phone. Selling or recycling an old cell phone is easy for you and good for the environment. It may put some extra cash in your pocket or give you a good feeling for helping out someone less fortunate than you!

cash for phones